Here in the South it is around 95degrees with humidity that makes it hard to breathe. I took a walk in the garden early this morning and without realizing it, the lens on my camera had fogged up because the camera had been in a cool house and was taken out side where it was hot. Some of our flowers are beginning to die because of the heat and lack of rain, but still some are doing really well. Here are a few pictures.
Mexican pottery on the wall with the morning sun shining through
the trees.
The fountain with sweet potato vine around it and moss on the outer edges. The mist above the fountain is actually the fog on the camera lens...I actually like it.
White periwinkle with creeping jenny in a window box on the storage room window.
A clematis vine we planted last year and it really took off this these big white blooms.
A beautiful vibrant blue clematis.
This Bougainvillea vine has been gorgeous this year.
Garden mosaic balls on mexican pottery and a twirly jig..
Painted bowling balls among the maidenhair fern.
Coleus, sweet potato vine and creeping jenny
Asiatic lilies
Morning sun shining through the trees on the front door and Boston fern.
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